Private Lives with Fields and Lego
Another double bill day, this time to see the new Ai Weiwei exhibition at the Design Museum and then on to Private Lives at The Donmar. Ai Weiwei - Making Sense One very large room with lots going on in it, I loved the ‘fields’ on the floor, all made of various found objects. Lovely to look at and each one raising questions of their own. Studio material, made of the remains of the porcelain sculptures smashed when Weiwei’s studio was demolished by the Chinese state, alongside the beautifully laid out porcelain balls that turned out to be ancient cannon balls, and then the porcelain teapot spouts in their thousands, all broken off during or after the manufacturing process for being imperfect. They all say something about destruction but have been made into something beautiful instead. I liked the Lego reinterpretation of Monet’s Waterlillies too, each single block a pixel in the field of colour, and with the entrance to the hideaway used by Weiwei and his father t...