Hotel Mirrors: An Essay
Just need to get this off my chest, so feel free to scroll on by if you aren't interested in this (not very) important issue. I'm back from spending some time in what was overall, a very nice hotel, but with the standard attitude to mirrors. It actually doesn't matter whether it is a grotty B&B or a 5 star luxury hotel, the same issue appears each time. I'm a person of a certain age who needs to spend some time with makeup, mirror and hairstyler before going out in public, and almost every hotel I have ever stayed in ignores this basic need. In the latest hotel, they moved me to a new, much fancier, room but still the same issues.
The obvious place to put makeup on and dry my hair would be the bathroom. But, no plugs for my own hairstyler, misted up mirrors placed too high up the wall so that you need to stand (yes, even if a stool is provided), and harsh overhead lighting means that this isn't an option.
So, what about that dressing table/desk in the room you might ask? Well yes, it has a place to sit, power sockets, seating, a work surface, often natural light, with additional desk lighting.... but there is NEVER a mirror within reach.
So, I usually end up sitting on the floor near the full length mirror, which if I am lucky has a power point within reach. Here are my dressing areas in my two different rooms this week.
And finally, what is it with the peep hole being put high enough that I need to stand on a chair to see through it?
Whatever their gender, surely hotel room designers should have thought of this before - would it really be so hard to put even a fairly small mirror near the desk/dressing table? And is it really unreasonable to consider the peephole needs of those of us who are vertically challenged for whatever reason?
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Oh and if you want to read about my trip to Malta rather than the hotel, you can find my witterings here (seems mainly to be about buses for some reason)
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