Light and darkness: Tate Modern

I had a visit to Tate Modern with a friend with a membership, something of a treat to be able to wander into all of the exhibitions without scrabbling for a booking or a discount with my Art Pass.  

First up was Mira Lee's Open Wound in the Turbine Hall, an industrialised process turning out creepy decaying flesh like objects.  I watched with fascination for a while, but eventually it made me quite sad.

Next up was Anthony McCall's Solid Light which was lovely, an interactive light show, apparently simple but which had all of the people in there, whether children or adult, walking into or just running their hands into the light sculptures that appeared to be solid, but just aren't.  Not sure what it means but I really enjoyed it.

Last was Helen Chadwick, with her extraordinarily visceral work focusing on the body and flesh in general.  Somehow it reminded me of some of Gunther von Hagen's work with plasticised flesh.  But my favourite in this exhibition were the Piss Flowers, just beautiful symetrical structures created from a natural bodily function.
